Making my own Desktop Manager: Getting Started


Ok so I have a LOT of work ahead of me – I know this! I am also trying to do this whilst juggling a full-time job, a band, and time with my family, so it isn’t going to get done over-night (let’s hope my short attention span doesn’t get the better of me!)

The goals I wish to accomplish with my Windows/Desktop manager are:


  1. A beautiful, simple, and FREE environment
  2. Extremely lightweight
  3. Customizable through BSD-style .rc & .conf files
  4. Tiling Window Manager with a few layout algorithms (with little or no window decorators)
  5. Optional Composite layout (allows for transparency and shadows)
  6. Easy to install (initially targeted for ArchLinux, but will eventually run on Ubuntu and may be others?)
  7. Have an integrated version of WebKit (possible via WebKitGtk?)
  8. Integrate Social features into the Manager such as GmailTwitter and IM (via Pidgin‘s libpurple?)


Here are what I believe my first steps are:


  • Create a Design document and stick to it!
  • Finish reading my X11/XLib book
  • Read the relevant info from the site
  • Look though DWM (and possibly other Window Managers) source code
  • Decide whether to make it OpenGL based or Cairo (or multi/others?)


Any suggestions from anyone out there would be mostly appreciated!

I intend to release all the code via either a GPL or MIT/BSD licence on GitHub.

Here we go….