New and simple desktop for Linux


Based on ancient Rox and Window Manager fluxbox . Zappwm is a desktop that consumes only 39MB and offers an environment with drag’n drop very simple and practical .

Currently in version 4.2 , includes the addition of 10 wallpapers, screen corners rounded , links to cloud computing and three main inputs for applications that resemble the interfaces for smartphones :

Social Life – Shortcuts to social networks and cloud computing .
All Apps- shortcuts for all graphics applications .
Home- Personal Folder .

The desktop configuration is very simple , though limited to wallpaper . Just click with the right mouse button and choose Backdrop > Show. Then drag your wallpaper it will be assigned .

This is just a feature of ROX : Drag shortcuts to the panel , desktop and between windows . It is also possible to use ” composite ” application with xcompmgr , but this sacrifices the environment and lightness .

The system requirements are: rox-filer , fluxbox , pcmanfm and xdg – utils . For those who download the application on Debian format ( compatible with ubuntu 12.x, Debian, Mint etc. ) You can install via gdebi , or with the command in terminal mode, with root,  “dpkg -i zappwm” followed by ” apt -get – f install” to correct dependencies.

zappwm 42 shortcuts