New Animation with Open source


This week another episode of Minimarte – web animated series, made with open source tools, got out of the box.

The animation is on youtube, at:

And a small text with some making of images are at oficial site, at:

All series, and all animations made with: Gimp, Inkscape, Blender, Synfig, Audacity, Kdenlive.

-Gimp is used for frame-by-frame animation;
-Inkscape for vector illustration
-Synfig for vector animation and compositions
-Blender for character animation
-Audacity for audio tracks and effects
-Kdenlive for video editing.


Story, screenplay: Ricardo Graça, Eduardo Graça
Animation, Direction, Editing: Ricardo Graça
Sound effects and tracks: Jorge Cruz

Images ( making of ):

Making of 1

Making of 2


Making of 3