NEWB’s adventure’s in Linux From Scratch


Whoa,, I feel Lucky,


I’ve gotten to the BIG CHAPTER 8  , an “Murphy” doesn’t seem to be around……….YET…….I have conserns though,  about keymap,  and the network setup, According to the manual I’m setting this box up to use static IP???. So I may lose internet on this box till I start blfs apparently DHCP is covered in the BLFS …. As prevalent as DHCP is,  I find this distracting,  but I’ll manage as there are 4 other machines in this house I can use.

Next up , prepairing to boot LFS , When building Gentoo, I got terribly confused by fstab and grub.   When my computer booted off the livecd it called my hard disk sda, when I looked in fstab they were hda,  and in grub sda. To make matters worse… if I used” genkernel” to build my kernel ,  my devices were sda and if I used  menuconfig”  to build my kernel they were hda…. Finally I read the entire grub tutorial  and was able to boot gentoo from command line in grub as sda…  Finally when I wanted to look at “other grub configure files”  I looked at my Ubuntu menu.lst and devices were refered to as UUID, no wonder us newbie’s have such a hard time with grub!!!

         I understand the UUID’s are part of the UDEV of kernel version 2.6 and the sda is part of the newer scsi/ata addition to the kernel looking at serial devices as scsi , however none of the devices on my computer are serial ata so there’s where the confusion came.

 Knowing as little  about Linux , everytime I think I’ve learned something new there’s 25 more things I’ve never heard of. šŸ™‚