NEWB’s adventure’s in Linux From Scratch



   I’ve come to the foregone conclusion that if it can go wrong it will. 🙂 I have made some silly mistakes and some really costly ones as well. In the past week I have destroyed 150 gig’s of data(while using fdisk) , deleted configuration files by mistake, made new ones in the wrong location(working off a live cd and building in another can get quite confusing so I’ve made my share of config files in temp instead of the lfs dir LOL. I know I’ve done something wrong when the editor reports “NEWFILE” 🙂 I even screwed up grub on one of my other computers.

   Took the time last night to read a full tutorial for grub. The C when booting will come in handy. I learned alot and would recommend this to anyone using Linux. I ran accross the  Linux utility called the super grub disk it’s well worth the look see and they even have a windows version to fix the issues of a dual windows linux boot issue.