NEWB’s adventure’s in Linux From Scratch


 Back again,

   This time I’ve started a new LFS install,  The install of the binutils tools went rather well. However, I cannot say the same with Gcc. I first read the entry on the manual and assumed that my install would require that i build mpfr and gmp then install them in the gcc-build directory and then compile, after trying four or five times to get it to work, I had to go to IRC chat. Well, now configure would run you see I was supposed to untar mpfr and gmp then gcc. Then mv mpfr and gmp into gcc directory then cd to gcc-build directory. But from where I stand, it doesn’t communcate that in the book??? Am I the only one?

 Currently, I’m building glibc. No problems as of yet.  Something that I will point out though. Once the day is through is how successful I am at stop/resume of the install. šŸ™‚