Nintendo 3DS The All New 3 Dimensions Portable Gaming


Nintendo introduce the new Nintendo 3DS, the next generation of the Nintendo DSi. I know this is not related to Linux but, who doesn’t played with some Nintendo consoles šŸ˜€

The new Nintendo 3DS has the same look of the Nintendo DSi, can take pictures, two screens (the top screen is the 3D screen and the bottom is touchscreen), on the side is a small 3D control, with this you can control how you want the images in full 3D or 2D, has Wi-Fi and the best is, you don’t need the 3D glasses to see the 3D.

I think this is just the beginning of something cool for us, the gamers with Microsoft and his Natal Project, Nintendo exploring the 3D and with Sony with his… and whit Sony just watching. How the games are going to be in the future? did you ever think in 3D when you was playing Super Mario Bros 1, or space invaders in your Atari?

Source: Voices in my Head