The paradox of choice and Linux distros


I just so a forum post on how to create a new Linux distro for one’s familly and friends. I think it’s greate to be able to tailored GNU/Linux to one’s need, but I also think that nowadays, we are often confronted to too much of this… or too many of that, and we end up in a deadlocks [when making no choice is the best option].

There’s a brilliant explanation of this phenomena by Barry Schwartz. Here’s a link to access the video on Google because embedding doesn’t seem to work here…

Barry Schwartz: the paradox of choice, why more is less

In the mean time, I can add that I am not a supporter of uniformity. I think diversity is great, but where it really matters.

In China there’s a fair few languages that are really different, and special (for historical reasons) and there’s a lot of dialects that spawns from these main language families. So far so good, but then it gets really messy when people start counting the local version of a given dialect… which only differ slightly from the next town dialiect because of favoured accentuation.

 I think the same is true for programming languages andLinux distribution: having main famillies [deb vs rpm], and subs is fine, but when we start getting personalised versions that don’t really add value, then it’s time to stop counting.