Pinguy OS LTS Update: 10.04.2 [Ubuntu Remaster]


An update for Pinguy OS 10.04 LTS was released today: 10.04.2. For those who are not familiar with Pinguy OS: it’s an Ubuntu remaster with a lot of useful default applications “built to have eye candy (Gloobus Preview, GNOME Do, Docky, Nautilus Elementary) and for every part of it to be user-friendly”. It comes with a lot of applications we’ve featured on WebUpd8 so if you want a ready-to-use Linux distro, you should really try Pinguy OS. I like to call it “Ubuntu after a week of customization” but lately it’s getting way past “a week”.

Pinguy OS 10.04.2 comes with some of the features from 10.10 that were missing in 10.04 like the Sound Menu applet or the new Ubuntu Software Center. Pinguy OS also comes with a new default application: TeamViewer 6, a popular application for remote control, desktop sharing and file transfer between computers.

Full story: Pinguy OS LTS Update: 10.04.2 [Ubuntu Remaster]