Please DON’T SPY me anymore: High Level E-mail Cryptography with GnuPG


Unless you have no life, don’t watch the news, and don’t care about others snooping around your secrets, you are well aware that these days the government’s favorite activity is spying and monitoring their people from all sides, by all means, with no scruples and no remorse, possibly including yourself.

Even if you do have a life, do watch the news, and do care about others snooping around your secrets, you certainly use one of those free popular e-mail accounts that boast of their awesome unlimited features without realizing that they are the ones that are secretly stabbing you on the back and violating your privacy.

It was because of such things that our team wrote a book on advanced e-mail security with cryptography and we want to share it with you. In this book you’ll get the following benefits:

  • Awareness: you will understand how things work and never be fooled again.
  • Privacy: no one will spy your e-mails anymore, your communications will remain private.
  • Security: if your e-mails ever get compromised, no one will be able to decipher and read them.
  • Credibility: you will demonstrate to others how much you care about your privacy and your security, as well as theirs.
  • Flexibility: the system can be implemented anywhere, from home to business to mobile devices.
  • Power: high level military grade cryptography being developed for more than 15 years.
  • Freedom: 100% free/libre software based on an open standard, open source, no spyware, no malware, no viruses, nothing.
  • Cost: completely free – gratis – you won’t have to buy or pay for any software.

The book is short, full of images and graphics and easy to understand. It was written for laypersons, so anyone can follow it and do the required steps very easily.

And how about the price? Well you’ll love that part: you can get and share the book for free, no hidden fees or registration required, you pay how much you want for it. That’s it, that’s how we work, you only pay if you like.

If you like it we suggest a contribution of $10.00, the price of a decent cappuccino cup. We put a lot of effort to write it and it took a long time to be finished, so if you like it we would very much appreciate a $10.00 contribution from you.

You can get a copy of the book right here in our official website:

Are you still not convinced? We are giving you 10 reasons why this book will benefit you. It is called “The 10 most common mistakes people make when using e-mail”. Here they are:

  • MISTAKE 1: I use a popular e-mail provider
  • MISTAKE 2: I think only the recipients can read my messages
  • MISTAKE 3: When I empty the trash bin I believe my messages were erased forever
  • MISTAKE 4: I think it is great that my e-mail account is free
  • MISTAKE 5: I own my own messages, they are mine
  • MISTAKE 6: I think cryptography is unecessary
  • MISTAKE 7: I don’t care about what the NSA is doing
  • MISTAKE 8: I think my messages are safe
  • MISTAKE 9: I trust my e-mail provider
  • MISTAKE 10: I believe I have privacy online

You can find the detailed description of all those mistakes in our website, as well as how to correct them.

Check out our website now and get a copy of our book for free. You will not only get a book, you will also get your security and privacy back.


The Golden Keys Team