SPI Board and Officer Elections – 2011


Software in the Public Interest (SPI) is pleased to announce the results of
the recent board and officer elections.

Board elections were held from July 14-28 2011.

The board terms of David Graham and Jimmy Kaplowitz expired at this
election. In addition one board seat was vacant at the time of the election,
for a total of three available seats. David Graham chose not to stand at
this election and has retired from the board. SPI would like to thank David
for his participation on the board from 2004 – 2011. Clint Adams, Robert
Brockway, Jimmy Kaplowitz and Trevor Walkley stood for election. Jimmy
Kaplowitz was reelected to the board and Clint Adams and Robert Brockway
were newly elected to the board. SPI would like to thank all candidates for
their participation in the election and congratulate Clint Adams, Robert
Brockway and Jimmy Kaplowitz for their election to the board.

The current directors are:

    * Bdale Garbee
    * Joerg Jaspert
    * Jonathan McDowell
    * Michael Schultheiss
    * Clint Adams
    * Robert Brockway
    * Joshua D. Drake
    * Jimmy Kaplowitz
    * Martin Zobel-Helas

Officer elections were held at the board meeting on August 10, 2011. All
existing board members were elected unopposed.

The officers for 2011-2012 are:

    * President: Bdale Garbee
    * Vice-President: Joerg Jaspert
    * Secretary: Jonathan McDowell
    * Treasurer: Michael Schultheiss

SPI associated projects include:

    * ankur.org.in
    * aptosid
    * Debian
    * Drizzle
    * Drupal
    * freedesktop.org
    * Fresco
    * Gallery
    * GNUstep
    * GNU TeXmacs
    * Jenkins
    * LibreOffice
    * madwifi.org
    * OFTC
    * OpenOffice.org
    * OpenVAS
    * Open Voting Foundation
    * Open64
    * OpenWrt
    * OSUNIX
    * Path64
    * PostgreSQL
    * Privoxy
    * The HeliOS Project
    * Tux4Kids
    * Yafaray

Software in the Public Interest, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation under
the laws of New York State.