Stop crying! And learn some code…


As a linux user I often get negative remarks from people “who are hardcore computer users and know a lot from Internet” about how linux is not user-friendly and how you can’t play decent games on it. And sometimes when suggesting Linux to a friend he yells at you later that it’s too complicated for him and he wants something that just works. And “at the end” – they say – “you vegotto be a programmer to run it! It can’t be a good os“… I am a college student, and so far I learnt that to have an ideal operating systems for an “average American college student” you have to either be able to move your windows from desktop to desktop and make them all visible when moving your mouse to the corner of the screen, or be able to play WoW and all that during lecture!!! Witnessing this all for some time I concluded that it is not that there is something wrong with Linux, not being able to provide you with above “necessary” features “out of the box”, but it’s the problem of the priorities a regular user has nowadays. More then that, there are people (YouTube is the biggest helper to find them) who hardly have any professional need (and experience) in using computers (if any at all), yet are spending hours daily trying different operating systems and their features and making doubtless conclusions about them. “Linux is too hard for an average user” they say. Who are you to dictate people what to use? I mean, if you spend so much time in front of your computer and you don’t have any obligations to your profession about what software to use, why don’t you spend a bit of time and learn a little bit of code for God’s sake. Oh you would be amazed what features you will discover!…

The number of people and businesses running linux is growing every day. We have linux working on the majority of embedded systems and supercomputers. Functionality on cellphones today is either Android, WebOS, iPhone OS, or Windows mobile. The ones that are linux-based, therefore, occupy 50% of the selection we have. For databases and servers we use linux. Internet is LAMP. …And all that is already accomplished by the youngest operating system!

MAYBE then what we believe the ideal OS should be is not right? MAYBE linux is the future??? MAYBE IDEAL PERSONAL COMPUTERS ARE NOT FOR DUMB PEOPLE AFTER ALL? And maybe in 21 century, having 99% of our lives somehow associated with digital technology we should finally freaken learn a bit about computers???