Tether Linux box to Internet via your 3G cell.

Tether your Linux box to your ATT phone’s Internet connection via BlueTooth.
You basically connect your palmtop or laptop to your ATT cell phone using bluetooth technology, then, pass through the cell phone to allow your laptop/palmtop computer to access the Internet.

I use a Nokia770 and a Nokia810 model of Internet tablet mostly (.. really nice and compact.) , and carry my Eee 1000H Netbook, and laptop occasionally.

This guide is not intended to be a keystroke for keystroke instruction, but more of a guideline.
A little bit of prior computer experience goes a long ways to help you out, along with this guide.

What you need:

 Some kind of Linux Computer: (could be laptop, desktop, tablet, palmtop, etc.

Works nicely on:

Nokia 770 Linux Internet computer (Maemo).

Nokia800 or the new Nokia810 VERY COOL little box.

Netbook, I have a Asus 1000H running Ubuntu 904

Laptop,  I have a Compaq Evo N800v with bluetooth dongle running Debian 5) ,

My various desktops, mostly used as a backup to the DSL around the house.


Bluetooth can be built in, or get a Bluetooth USB device and plug that in to your machine.

The Asus Eee 1000H, Nokia770, N800 and N810 has EVERYTHING you need already built in. You can get them on Amazon for a steal of a price, EVERYONE NEEDS ONE of THESE!

AT&T (formerly Cingular) Cell phone service (with a data plan, otherwise they charge by the amount of traffic and its kind of expensive!)

To my knowledge, none of the other phone companies allow this method of connection as of yet. I had to switch to ATT just for this capability

Picking the right data plan is important. I took my Nokia770 into the ATT store and told them what I wanted to do (tether to the Internet), they suggested a  data plan and I went with it, it’s a $20 charge on top of my regular plan, for unlimited 3G data.

Obviously you need a A Cell phone with G3 and bluetooth DUN or Dial up networking capability, I will cover the Razr V3xx model. (but some others will work also)

*Note, some advanced models of phones, including Iphone will not tether unless jailbroke*
Update 11/29/07 ATT and Apple announce the iPhone will do G3 sometime next year, but you gotta ask if it will “tether” to your laptop or not for dial-up-network. …just doing G3 and bluetooth doesnt mean it will tether to your laptop.  As of 5/2009, you still cannot buy a iPhone / ATT tether data package.

Next steps:

1st create a file called /etc/ppp/peers/gprs-script
using your favorite editor, put these commands in that file.

####### start of gprs-script #####
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password CINGULAR1
connect ‘/usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/ppp/chat-gprs-v3 -r /dev/con sole’
connect-delay 5000
#### end of file ####

Next create a file called /etc/ppp/chat-gprs-v3
using your favorite editor, put these commands in that file.

##### start of chat-gprs-v3 file ####
‘ ‘ rAT
OK ‘AT+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”wap.cingular”‘
OK ATD*99***1#
## end of file ####


Punctuation is important ‘ ‘ this is a single quote with a space then another single quote.

Case is important. D <– this is a capitol Dee, a small Dee looks like this –> d
In case you didn’t realize, they are completely different to a computer. Well, to most computers anyway.

Slash is important / <– is a forward slash located near the period, Linux and Unix and most other operating systems use it, (but not Windows)
This is a backslash, –> (think “backwards” thinking) šŸ™‚


Next:   Pair up your laptop and phone.

Heres how I do it with my Razr:  Make sure your phone is on findme mode.

from a Linux command window enter hcitool scan and note the mac address of your phone, you will use that in the next command.

The MAC is a unique code assigned only to your phone. It is unique in the entire universe. If you help a friend perform these steps…using your mac address will not work for his or her phone.

From a command window enter rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 then a space and a 1 on the end. example
rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 00:1D:BE:03:F3:14 1

then enter cat /dev/rfcomm0 this will make a paring request, enter the same pin number into your laptop and phone where requested
Both sides will remember the pairing, only need to do this part once if you dont swap or change out your bluetooth device.

To connect, issue the next 2 commands from command window.

from a command window, type in rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0 and hit enter.
from a 2nd command window type in pppd rfcomm0 call gprs-script and hit enter.
wait a few seconds and the connection should be made.

You can check your connection by entering route and checking that you have a entry for pppd.

Open a browser and you should be online.

With Ubuntu 904 and others, you can perform the pairing via gnome bluetooth widget if you want.

For the Nokia’s (770 800 810)

 Now, lets look at my favorite, the Nokia770 Internet tablet.
Everything you need, software, hardware is included when you buy it.

Maemo distro based loosely on Debian Linux
Fits easily in shirt pock or pants pocket, runs a long time on the battery charge.
Touch screen, music and video player, easy ZOOM screen, gui’d apt-get pkg mgr, etc etc

Cool flip cover that gives Instant on, and Instant off.
Similar to the iPhone interface and size, but 3 years earlier.

I cant say enough good things about the value of this little box.. It’s creators, Nokia and the Linux community should be recognized.

Since the 800 and 810 came out, you can find a 770 for a real deal, around $100 if you check Ebay.
And no, I am not selling mine..I actually want to buy a SPARE!

OK, enough advertising, lets get started:

Turn on your phone bluetooth FindMe mode, (good for 3 minutes on the razr)
on the 770 Go to tools, –>control panel –>phone and new, select your phone and pair them via entering passcodes both sides.
Once paired, this step does not need to be repeated.

Go to Tools, connection manager –>tools–>connectivity settings
select connections –>new –> next–>
Enter a name for the connection, such as gprs, freddys phone or whatever you want.
tap packet data
Enter Access point name wap.cingular
enter dial up number *99***1#
enter user name
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password is CINGULAR1
**note the case sensitive parts **
tap finish

I usually see about 300k-600k transfer rates, depending on where I am,
using www.2wire.com, dslreports or any other speed tester that is online.

Again, only certain phones allow this tethering (DUN) , and the iPhone ISNT ONE OF THEM yet, or I would have bought one for sure.
the Razr V3xx works, and at least one Samsung phone also does, my son has it working great also.
