Ubuntu: 2Click Update v6.0 released



I pretty much assume that you know the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Well for some odd reason Canonical, decided to remove the “aptitude” package from a default Ubuntu installation. This is where 2Click Update stops working. The code internally, used to have some “aptitude” commands so in a default installation of the latest Ubuntu (version 10.10) won’t work.

The easy thing would be just to replace “aptitude” with the default “apt-get”. But you may know that if a programmer starts working again on an old code 3 things can happen:

  • Fix some issues
  • Totally break it
  • Add some, late night new features

In my occasion, I couldn’t stop trying to implement some new ideas, features and user interface improvements ! Let me remind some of the key features that 2Click Update has and makes it the all-in-one system updates and maintenance app for inexperienced users.

When you launch 2Click Update it will automatically do the following things for you:

  • Refresh your package list.
  • Install the latest updates for your applications and system libraries.
  • Remove packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some packages that are no more needed.
  • Remove packages and configuration files which are not required by any other software upon your system.
  • Remove all stored archives in your cache for packages that are no longer in the repositories or that have a newer version in the repositories.
  • Delete from cache the downloaded packages to free up some space.
  • Optimize RAM memory.

Just watch the following video to see it in action.

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwwpkBgZvvo&hd=1 100×100]

Cool ha ??? Go grab it :

2Click Update is available in .deb package for easy install/uninstall. Also it is available in gui-less edition if you want to use it through your terminal. 

To download it you can either go to the development page: 2Click Update Dev Page (where you can also translate, report bug etc.) or download it from the download section here: http://cerebrux.net/2clickupdate/