Using KDE and other linux windows managers on Ubuntu 10.04


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I’ve noticed that not every linux distro uses the same windows manager. And with these different x systems, comes different capabilities. To experience the benefits of the windows systems, you commonly run a live lniux distro. Only problem with that is it runs on a CD and you won’t be able to save changes. When you are learning new technology, you want to put to work and things you normally do on your current system build. There is a way, however, that will allow you experience the multiple x systems that accompanies linux.

Here is a brief description of the linux windows manager. The linux windows manager is a program within the X Window System Server that controls how GUI icons should be displayed and organized on the desktop. There are several X windows system servers available for linux: Gnome, KDE, xfce, LXDE, and fluxbox.

Ubuntu uses the Gnome windows manager and runs on systems with low processing power. It is simple to use conveying coherent system configuration functions and and easy to navigate display. Gnome, as some say, is suited more for business orientated processing. It almost functions similar to MS windows manager. 

Well my system is an ubuntu 10.04 build and Gnome is used by default. What about the other windows managers? 

Ubuntu or more technically, canonical has other ubuntu spinoff distros that incorporate the remaining windows managers. To test their benefits, you can simply boot up a live copy of them that has a specific windows desktop manager, or, install it on its own box or virtualization software. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will show you how to install KDE, one of the famous desktop manager systems, on your computer to explore the benefits of its capabilities.


Recommendations: create a new user account on your ubuntu system for testing purposes. This prevents any damage to your main user acccount. Remember, any system changes done within your user account stays in your user space keeping the core of the system stable in case of a miss-configuration. Another power of linux.

1. Go to applications=>ubuntu software center

2. type KDE desktop

3.install KDE full

4. logout of the test user account and log back in choosing the KDE desktop environment from the control panel at the bottom of the login screen. Enjoy the new desktop environment.

KDE is not designed for looks. Its purpose offers more system controls then some of the other linux windows managers.

IF you have other programs installed on your ubuntu system, KDE will keep them and organize them it its preference. So, install KDE and see what you think.