The Value of a Paperless Office

Avante document management offers a new way to get powerful document and business process management that fits the way people work and at a price that makes sense.

Avante document management gives you the tools you need now and makes it easy to add the ones you want later. Industry-leading document imaging also helps users to store and retrieve information.Avante includes sophisticated workflow tools to automate business processes. Whether you have a staff of one or one hundred, you’ll simplify complex tasks, promote better decision making and keep your organization moving forward.

Avante’s individual user connections include Laserfiche document management, Workflow, Document Imaging, Scanning, Snapshot and E-Mail, and an intuitive pricing structure makes it simple and affordable to add new features and functionality to your Laserfiche system. For a percentage of the price of your user licenses, you can add Web Access or Audit Trail, or for a fixed price, you can add Quick Fields, Plus or fully integrated, DoD 5015.2-certified records management. And when your system grows large enough, it’s simple to upgrade to Rio enterprise content management.