West Florida Linux Users Group (WFLUG) Call for participation


A few days ago I took the first bold  step and created the WFLUG.  Many thank to Linux.com folks for allowing me to do this and for making their resources available to me to try to set this into motion.   

WFLUG needs participants.  If there are any Linux users in the West Florida area that would like to join please send along an email and make the initial contact that will help get this user group started.   

I would like to think that there are a number of folks who live in Western Florida in and around Pensacola or perhaps Mobil, AL or places a few miles north who use Linux.  

Me?  I am a retired Psychologist who finds Linux fascinating.  My Debian Linux box is loaded primarily with Apache2, Bind, mail server, and a variety of programs that help me to administrate my LAN, like Samba.   I am currently in the process of configuring a dynamic DNS client (ez-ipupdate)  which will allow me to host my own web server and mail. 

I find that the people who comprise the Linux community at large to be very helpful and knowledgeable.  I want to create a group of Linux users in this area that can come together and share their knowledge, experience and skills in a friendly atmosphere.  An atmosphere where it is important to be able to learn, discuss our ideas, developments and advance our skills.  

Please feel free to join me in this endeavor.  It will be fun.  

Jim Frock