What is Glibc bug: Things To Know About It


Recently, Google experts have revealed a security fault because of which many devices and apps are at risk – Linux servers are also a part of it. It is a bug known as glibc bug which can distress hundreds of devices, applications and softwares which are internet connected. It allows hacker to introduce a code into the memory of the device which in turn helps in hacking attacks. The hacker can then control computers, smartphones, internet routers etc. It is found in building blocks of the internet which can also negatively affect apps and websites. It is a key part of Linux operating system.


A patch was developed by Google engineers in association with security experts at Red Hat. It is somehow able to fill the susceptibility but wide adoption is still left.

What is glibc bug?

Glibc bug was found in glibc (GNU C Library) which is the implementation of GNU project of C standard library. It was initiated by Free Software Foundation in early 90’s for their GNU operating system. To be precise, glibcis an open source library of codes which are used in internet connected devices and web development.

The bug alert was already made in July 2015. According to Google researchers, they first wanted to study and understand the issue and then call out to glibc keep takers. On the other hand, at Red Hat a separate team was working on the issue.

What devices are affected?

Devices which have Linux operating system are affected by this vulnerability. Devices include wireless routers, internet of things devices, surveillance cameras, servers etc. Bitcon Softwares, Linux Computers and anything or everything which is built using PHP, ruby and python are affected by this bug as well. Facebook, Twitter, Drop box etc. use these languages.

Google android also operates on Linux but android phones are safe because a different version is used. But, it can affect some android applications. Windows and OS X are not affected.

How to Protect Yourself?

One thing everyone should always do is to regularly upgrade the security updates for all the connected devices. Organizations stop releasing security updates once they stop selling their products and services. Manufacturers should release security updates as at some or the other time vulnerabilities will be detected in connected devices.

A security patch has been released by Google for developers who have used the system. It is known as “proof of concept” attack by which manufacturers and developers can examine software for detecting flaws and then taking necessary steps to overcome if at all any flaw is detected.

Bugs and attacks will not stop coming in your way of growth and expansion. It is you who have to take preventive measures to protect and secure your systems and business. “Security should never be compromised” –this simple mantra will help you to achieve the set objectives. Many hosting companies strongly believe and follow this mantra and provides different tools like MTvScan Security Tool to ensure your business is not affected with such malicious activities and attacks. Make sure to have security tools and preventive steps which can help you gain a competitive advantage in the market.