ZORIN for the New and Upcoming Linux Converts


I love linux, and wished I’d used it years ago when I was learning computers. There is an unkown adventure when using opensource. You like creativity and innovation, you will like linux. Plus, it will teach you areas about computers and technology that some of the other popular OSs left out. I am sure you have heard the term, “one size does not fit all”. Well in the linux realm, that’s exactly true. There are plenty of linux distros customized to fit anybody’s need. Don’t think one is all you can get. 

Speaking of “one size does not fit all”, I have been using a particular distro for a while, and it has great potential–Ubuntu. Ubuntu does pretty much what you expect in an OS and will recommend it to everyone. It is, however, not the only one. 

I like to explore, keeping my mind open to new things and experiences. That being said, I’ve looked at all the other available distro flavors exploring their uniqueness. There was one that really stood out- Zorin OS 4. 

The reviews mentioned that this distro was a faster alternative to windows and actually utilizes the same theme from windows vista and windows 7, cool. After running the liveCD, the OS booted fast, which was good for a liveCD. First thing I noticed was the theme. It was exactly like vista, more or less. Not bad, especially for users who are coming directly from windows. You will feel right at home. Zorin uses the KDE desktop environment, meaning it is very configurable. 

The task bar lets you pin programs for ease of launch. Very similar to Windows 7. And for those who became accustom to the windows themes, Zorin has desktop options to change the themes to either vista or 7. Like that? 

Zorin gives you the ability to install new opensource programs as like the rest of the linux OSs, yet with a little spice to it. Zorin is a spine off of ubuntu, so you will notice some similarities. In addition, wine is installed by default with an app called “playonlinux” that allows you to run windows apps. So wherever you go, your trusted windows apps follow. And, the programs run better on Zorin.  Wine also gives you a huge list of game you can play one Zorin. GAMES!!! One of the games sold me completely, Call of Duty: Black OPs, NO WAY. And, there are many more, Devil may cry 4, halo, etc. 

Zorin supports a wide range of hardware as well. Which I think is very critical to a successful linux OS. I am running Zorin on an old Dell WHL with a Xeon processor inside and a 1Gb of memory. This machine is loving it. 

Ok for you security gurus, Zorin has an app that allows you to configure your firewall. Thats right, a gui app to configure your firewall. I am not saying it can replace iptables, however, you are fresh to linux, so why not do something you are used to, savvy?  

Now for the online media content viewers. Zorin comes with all the video and audio codecs pre-installed. It supports the opensource and proprietary codec software so you are kept adaptive. The codecs that are support, flash, java and windows media codecs.

Did I mention, that Zorin is blazing fast? Oh yeah, it is. I was opening up multiple programs and windows and everything worked seamlessly. And, it is only 32bit. 

In my opinion, Zorin is the windows equivalent of linux. This is a good distros to use to promote linux and help new users get familiar with the system as they make their way to becoming linux gurus.