Now russian govermential agencies can use Astra Linux for the top-secret information processing


Operating system «Astra Linux» worked out by JSC RPA RusBITech can be used in Russian governmental agencies that deal with the top-secret information.

The certification of the operating system «Astra Linux» concerning the compliance with the governmental requirements of the information security has been completed in Russia. The possibility of using the operating system «Astra Linux» in the information systems that deal with the top-secret information has been confirmed.

Thus the open-source based software platform with the high-level information security has appeared for governmental agencies in Russia. The process of complete replacement of previous operating systems and software by Linux and open-source software that is going on nowadays in governmental agencies in Russia must be completed till 2015.

The operating system «Astra Linux» has been created and is developing by the RPA RusBITech on the base of open-source software and functions on the computers with the processors x86-64 and ARM, and also on the mainframes IBM System Z. It comprises the software that ensures the highest level of information security.

RPA RusBITech is the member of the Linux Foundation.